Entrepreneurs and Pop Music

I am a pop music tragic and always have been. I love all popular music and I have been thinking lately with my business owner goggles on about how it is that musicians create such a powerful connection with their fans. Fans have a visceral connection with musicians they love. The connection they create is not through meeting the musician or spending time with them, but many people feel connected to musicians they have never met, with more emotion they are powerfully connected and more so than they are towards other brands.

My point of reference is as an obsessively committed Kylie Minogue fan. I have loved Kylie now for almost 30 years. It has been, in my case a lifetime love. It’s been a journey of highs and lows (of which I will not give you a blow by blow account); in the past 30 years she has tried a lot of different things, some of which have worked and some of which haven’t worked, she’s grown up and lived with the public watching her. I have a business take away from Kylie’s development as an artist now, and that is to try things, if they work, great and if they don’t work – try something new. She has been cool. She has been uncool. No matter what you say about her, she has persevered.

So if we continue to persevere how can we create a connection to our brands like musicians do with their fans? How can we create this without even having to meet people? What is the piece of this that we can connect to our businesses? How can we make people feel connected to our brands for 30 years?


Stare Down Your Fear